Three members of the Federal Assembly’s EFTA/EU Delegation paid a working visit to Pristina from 2 to 4 October. The official talks focused on the free trade negotiations between EFTA and Kosovo.

The free trade negotiations between the EFTA states and Kosovo were officially launched at the EFTA Ministerial Meeting in Borgarnes, Iceland, in June. The first round of negotiations took place in Geneva between 29 and 31 August. In order to reaffirm Switzerland’s interest in an agreement at parliamentary level and to obtain first-hand information on Kosovo’s position in these negotiations, three members of the Federal Assembly’s EFTA/EU Delegation visited Pristina from 2 to 4 October.

The programme of the working visit included talks with the Kosovan trade and industry minister, Rozeta Hajdari, and with Kosovo’s chief negotiator in the free trade talks, Zef Dedaj. In addition, talks were held with representatives from a number of business associations and civil society organisations. The Delegation further exchanged views in the Kosovo Parliament with members of the Economic Commission and with the Switzerland-Kosovo Friendship Group. It also visited Switzerland’s peacekeeping mission, Swisscoy, and was briefed about Switzerland’s activities in support of KFOR.

The EFTA/EU Delegation was represented on this working visit by its president, Council of States member Benedikt Würth (The Centre, SG), National Council member Hans-Peter Portmann (FDP, ZH) and Council of States member Hannes Germann (SVP, SH).

The Swiss Delegation in talks with Trade Minister Rozeta Hajdari (left).

Council of States member Hannes Germann, Trade Minister Rozeta Hajdari, Benedikt Würth, Delegation President, and National Council member Hans-Peter Portmann (from left to right).

Members of the EFTA/EU Delegation in talks with representatives of the Economic Commission of the Kosovan Parliament.

Group photo with members of the Kosovan Parliament’s Switzerland-Kosovo Friendship Group in Pristina.