Legal basis
The legal basis for the Swiss Parliamentary Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO-PA) is to be found in the Federal Assembly Ordinance on international relations of the Parliament (ORInt) (RS 171.117).
Composition of the delegation
The composition of the Parliamentary Delegation to the NATO-PA is regulated by Art. 6, para.1 (f) of the Ordinance on international relations (ORInt) (RS 171.117), which stipulates that the delegation must comprise two members of the National Council and two members of the Council of States; one member of the National Council and one member of the Council of States are appointed as reserve members.
As a rule, the delegation includes the chairman and deputy chairman of the National Council Committee on Security Policy, and the chairman and deputy chairman of the Council of States Committee on Security Policy; the reserve members are normally the former chairman of the National Council Committee on Security Policy and the former chairman of the Council of States Committee on Security Policy.