Here you will find all you need to know about visiting the Parliament Building when Parliament is not in session.
It is only possible to access the Parliament Building as part of a guided tour.
Cost and duration
Guided tours are free of charge and last a maximum of 60 minutes.
Visitors’ entrance
The visitors’ entrance is located on the Bundesterrasse on the south side of the Parliament Building. It can be reached from Bundesplatz by taking the steps at either side of the Parliament Building.
Wheelchair access
Wheelchair users should use the north (main) entrance on Bundesplatz.
Sight-impaired visitors
For sight-impaired visitors we have a brief description of the Parliament Building in braille.
Security check
Please note that all visitors aged 16 and over are required to deposit an
official identity document with security and pass through a
metal detector.
Photography and filming
Photography is permitted during the tour, but filming is not allowed.
Contact and registration for tours when Parliament is not in session
If you have any questions regarding a guided tour you can reach us at the following times:
Monday to Friday: 08.30–11-30 and 13-30–16.30
For further details please contact:
Telephone +41 58 322 90 22