Press release LPC-S, 26.02.2020
Press release LPC-S, 28.05.2020
Members of the National Council
Members of the Council of States
Members of the National Council
Members of the Council of States
Specific responsibilities
The legislature planning committees are special committees responsible for examining the Federal Council’s draft legislature plan (23.082) in advance and for advising their Council accordingly. The programme is submitted to Parliament at the beginning of each
legislature period. It sets out policy guidelines and the goals of the legislature programme; it also indicates for each of the goals, the legislation and other measures required to achieve them.
Committee Secretariat
Enquiries | Nicole Schwendener Denise Campos
| T +41 58 322 99 27 T +41 58 322 97 40
Committee Secretary | Martino Pedrazzi
| T +41 58 322 91 96
Deputy Committee Secretary | Mirjam Amstutz
| T +41 58 322 91 31