Accredited journalists are able to access the Parliament Building, but must comply with the following rules:
The pass must be worn and be clearly visible at all times.
The pass does
not entitle the holder to access the Council chambers, conference rooms or the public gallery.
Photography, filming and sound recordings on the press and public galleries require authorisation. The use of flashes is not permitted.
Photography, filming and sound recordings are not permitted in the 'Zeitungszimmer' café or in the 'Galerie des Alpes' restaurant (exceptions may be granted by the head of catering).
The photographing of files or documents is prohibited.
Scene staging (e.g. enacted/staged scenes and costumes, etc.) is not permitted.
All journalists are expected to respect the institution of parliament by wearing appropriate dress.
Please act with due consideration when in the antechambers and the lobby and refrain from disturbing Council members in the course of their work or from hindering their access to the chamber. Desks and other infrastructure are reserved for use by Council members. Passageways must be kept clear at all times.
Baggage, equipment and the like may not be left in the lobby, corridors or in the foyers/antechambers.
No liquids may be taken into the Parliament Building.
The setting up and use of fixed installations (e.g. backdrops, lighting etc.) is not permitted.
Instructions given by staff of the Parliamentary Services must be followed at all times.