Saturday, 14 October 2023, admission at the visitors' entrance from 9am
to 4pm. The event ends at 5pm. Admission free.
ID/passport required from 16 years of age.
Please allow sufficient time for security checks. There may be queues at peak times. Depending on waiting times, it may not be possible to admit those still in the queue at the official end of the event.
Open visit of the Parliament Building
Explore the parliamentary lobby, the Domed Hall, the chambers of the National Council and the Council of States at your own pace. Download the Federal Palace audio guide app onto your smartphone and listen to many fascinating stories. Alternatively, one of the Parliamentary Services guides on hand will be able to tell you interesting details about the running of Parliament, the building and its architecture.
Stories for the 175th anniversary of the Federal Constitution (20 min.)
En la sala dal Cussegl naziunal
German 10am, 2pm, 4pm
French 11am, 3pm
Italian 12pm
Information on Parliament (20 min.)
In the Council of States Chamber
German 11.30am, 2.30pm, 3.30pm
French 9.30am, 12.30pm
Italian 1.30pm
Room 4
The new artwork Tilo was mounted on the façade of the Parliament Building to commemorate the 175th anniversary of the Federal Constitution. In Room 4 you can watch a film detailing the exciting background story of the work's creation.
Language: Swiss German with French and Italian subtitles
Quiz at the information stand
Search for symbols and images in the Parliament Building and win a small souvenir prize.
Enjoy refreshments in stylish surroundings in the café in the former reading room.
Come along – we are looking forward to seeing you!