The 148th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) was held in Geneva from 23 to 27 March. The IPU has not held an assembly in Switzerland since October 2018. This was one of the largest ever, with more than 700 parliamentarians present in Geneva, including more than 50 parliamentary speakers. Of the parliamentarians present, around 36 per cent were women and 27 per cent were under the age of 45.

General Debate

The General Debate at the 148th Assembly focused on the overall theme of 'Parliamentary diplomacy: Building bridges for peace and understanding'. The participants reaffirmed the commitment of the world's parliamentarians to parliamentary diplomacy in order to meet the growing challenges to international peace and security. They recognise the many challenges in today's world, such as geopolitical conflicts, social polarisation, climate risks and the dangers posed by artificial intelligence, and stress the need for innovative, collective responses. Parliamentary diplomacy is seen as an essential tool for building trust, promoting cooperation and protecting human rights and democratic principles throughout the world. (FR / EN).

Emergency item

The grave humanitarian crisis in Gaza was the subject of lively debate in Geneva. A number of proposals for emergency items addressing this issue were submitted before the assembly in accordance with IPU rules. However, IPU members failed to reach an agreement for the second time in more than 10 years (Angola in October 2023, Geneva in March 2024). South Africa drew attention to measures taken by the International Court of Justice against Israel in relation to the Palestinians in Gaza and to the urgent action needed to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The Twelve Plus geopolitical group, to which Switzerland belongs, was keen for consensus to be reached between the various geopolitical groups and called for urgent action on the conflict in the Middle East.

South Africa's proposal fell just twelve votes short of the required two-thirds majority. The IPU leadership subsequently decided to issue a statement on the situation in Gaza at the end of the Assembly. This political declaration (FR / EN) called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. It complemented the UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire adopted on 25 March.

Standing Committees

The Assembly adopted two resolutions. Prepared by the Committee on Peace and International Security, the first draft resolution was entitled 'Addressing the social and humanitarian impact of autonomous weapons systems and artificial intelligence' (FR / EN). It stresses the urgency and importance of regulating autonomous weapons systems (AWSs) and artificial intelligence (AI) in order to preserve peace, international security and human rights. It emphasises the need to maintain significant human control over AWSs in order to respect international humanitarian law and avoid adverse consequences for global security. It also calls for the adoption of a legally binding instrument on AWSs and encourages parliaments to play an active role in this process by drafting comprehensive national legislation. Finally, the resolution insists on the need to protect human rights and data in the development and use of AWSs, and underlines the importance of an ethical and responsible approach to these technologies. Switzerland was represented on the committee by National Council members Laurent Wehrli and Franz Grüter and Council of States member Daniel Jositsch.

The second draft resolution, drawn up by the Committee on Sustainable Development, is entitled 'Partnerships for climate action: Promoting access to affordable green energy, and ensuring innovation, responsibility and equity' (FR / EN). The resolution urges parliaments to make a collective commitment to combating climate change by reducing methane emissions, while ensuring that government policies are in line with international targets. It also urges investment in innovative green technologies to reduce emissions, and encourages parliaments to make the transition to low-emission and renewable energies. Parliaments are also called on to set up mechanisms to monitor progress, cooperate with other parliaments and promote public-private partnerships in order to move forward on adapting and building resilience to climate challenges. Switzerland was represented on this committee by National Council member Laurence Fehlmann Rielle and Council of States member Isabelle Chassot.

Motion by the Committee on United Nations Affairs

The IPU Assembly also adopted a motion (FR / EN) calling for reform of the UN Security Council to better reflect the geopolitical realities of the 21st century and to make it more democratic and transparent. The Committee welcomes the adoption of UN General Assembly resolution 76/262, but considers that it does not go far enough in preventing abuse of the veto. It believes that without effective reform of the Security Council, the credibility of the multilateral system will be seriously compromised. The motion calls on each IPU member parliament to work with government leaders and Permanent Representatives to the UN to regularly obtain information on the progress of the reform, demand a democratic and transparent process, prepare for ratification of the reform through national procedures, and participate actively in parliamentary processes to influence the Pact for the Future that will emerge from the UN Summit of the Future scheduled for September 2024.

Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians

The IPU Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians also adopted decisions (FR / EN) on parliamentarians in danger, in particular in Bangladesh, Egypt, Eswatini, Guinea-Bissau, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Madagascar, Pakistan, Palestine, the Philippines, Somalia, Turkey, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and Zimbabwe. National Council member Laurence Fehlmann Rielle is a member of this committee and played an active role in the decision-making process.

Swiss delegation

The Swiss delegation to the IPU comprised its chair, National Council member Thomas Hurter (SVP, SH), National Council members Laurence Fehlmann Rielle (SP, GE), Christian Lohr (The Centre, TG), Franz Grüter (SVP, LU) and Laurent Wehrli (FDP, VD), and Council of States members Isabelle Chassot (The Centre, FR) and Daniel Jositsch (SP, ZH).

The next Assembly will be held in Geneva from 13 to 17 October 2024.

IPU anthem

148th Assembly in Geneva

Laurent Wehrli at the meeting of the Group of Facilitators for Cyprus​

Daniel Jositsch at the meeting of the Bureau of the Committee on Peace and International Security​

Laurence Fehlmann Rielle at the meeting of the Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians​

Delegation chair Thomas Hurter welcomes participants to the 148th IPU Assembly (Swiss reception)​

Laurence Fehlmann Rielle at the meeting of the Committee on Middle East issues​

Christian Lohr at the meeting of the Bureau of the Committee on Democracy and Human Rights​

Franz Grüter defending the Swiss amendments to the draft resolution on AWSs brought by the Committee on Peace and International Security​

Laurent Wehrli and Franz Grüter at the meeting of the Committee on Peace and International Security​

Laurence Fehlmann Rielle at the meeting of the Committee on Sustainable Development​

Christian Lohr at the meeting of the Committee on Democracy and Human Rights

Thomas Hurter at the meeting of the Forum of Women Parliamentarians (also open to men)​